

Hi, I’m Danielle!

I was born and raised in Jamaica, and currently reside in the U.S. on the East Coast.

I LOVE food. Duh, this is a food blog after all. But I REALLY love food. I have been surrounded by amazing cooks since birth and great tasting food has been a part of almost every good memory I possess. In addition, because I’m surrounded by amazing cooks like my mom, dad, and aunts and uncles, I’ve literally been cooking since before I could walk. One of my earliest memories is of my mom teaching me how to make fried plantain (I said I was Jamaican right? Also, it’s pronounced PLAN-TIN, not PLAAN-TAAAAIN… and no, it is NOT the same as a banana!)

OK back to talking about me, and this blog.


Why Sweet & Sorrel?

Sorrel is a traditional Jamaican beverage made of dried hibiscus flowers steeped with ginger and flavored with rum, lots and lots of rum (fun fact, an alternative name for this blog was “Spiced Yum,” can you guess why?)

This blog is where I hope to document my culinary adventures, share recipe ideas inspired by my Caribbean background and my healthy-ish pescatarian lifestyle.

The food and recipes featured on this blog are inspired by my West Indian heritage, as well as the many culinary influences I have been exposed to over the course of my life.

I hope you’ll join me in creating (and tasting) some delicious meals!

Want to get in touch? Contact me and I’ll do my best to respond!

